Because the thinking is happening fast and a lot of it is unconscious, so you want to make it more conscious. You need to very clearly capture your thinking. Don’t censor it or worry about being polite. Write it down! Especially when you’re just starting to practise this model, write it down verbatim. You need to download all that jibber-jabber that can be going on in your mind in the middle of adversity. You need to get very clear on what’s running through your mind. This is why you need good self-awareness. The idea here when you’re using this model is to record what you were saying to yourself in the midst of the adversity. Building Optimism – B is for Beliefsī stands for Beliefs, which is how you interpret the event… how you’re thinking about it. The purpose of this model is to give you a way to disrupt that automatic thinking. When we encounter Adversity we react by thinking about it and our thoughts rapidly develop into beliefs, particularly if we use these same thoughts often. Let’s have a look at how you can use this model in your life… Building Optimism – A is for AdversityĪ stands for Adversity or Activating events. This model is a proven way of upgrading your thinking system. The key to disputing your own pessimistic thoughts is to first recognise them and then work with them as if they were uttered by someone you really cared about and wanted to help you…(That’s you, by the way).

The ABCDE Model is a method for building optimism by recognising and disputing pessimistic thoughts. The first part of this model (the ABC part) was originally developed by Psychologist Albert Ellis and it’s been added to by Seligman and many other experts. I’m going to share a proven technique with you to develop your Optimism called The ABCDE Model.
Begin Your Optimism Upgrade using the ABCDE Model